TASK: Create a pop-up event using a shipping container and chosen space/spaces to host them. My event is called BLUR- A Cinematic Outdoor Experience, showing classic
movies in parks.
MISSION STATEMENT: Blur is a pop-up event that will make a communal outdoor
experience available to Atlanta neighborhoods by providing a transportable outdoor cinema at local parks in order to provide an entertainment type that is missed during COVID and reprieve to those seeking community entertainment outside of their home.
Blur Logo
This logo evolved into a multi-interpretive icon. Initially, I used the symbol as a simple old film projector, but once the gritty look and colors were put into place, it felt like a strange nighttime first-person view. The round form feels friendly and still communicates film. The hand lettering was also to give the event a quirkier, offbeat feel.
Ad Campaign
To expand the idea and look of my event, I added photography into the ads along with hand water-colored illustrations. The choice of black and white photography was to give a sense of old film and the watercolor illustrations come in to keep that similar feel that I developed with the grain of my icon and hand lettering of the BLUR logo.
Here is the shipping container from all sides with a banner that changes during each of the three films. The other side contains concessions that keep the brand feel
Full inside view of the shipping container with concessions and a little ode to the Shining.
Isometric Exterior
The rendering at the bottom shows what the viewer will see walking up to the pop-up. They can continue to watch the movie from a screen in the concession line if they need snacks during the movie. The top rendering is what the pop-up will look like from the viewer's side before the hydraulic system lowers the screen. We also have skylights that would bring people in that don’t know about the event and evoke a sense of nostalgia from old theaters.
This is the event brochure that guests will get on their way in. It has fun easter eggs to watch for in the film with small, loose illustrations, when and where the next film will show, and a QR code to order concessions.